- Jan 1st, 2014 – Happy New Year! What should I draw? Us.
- August 26th, 2012 – We’re pregnant. :)
- July 9th, 2012 – Tonight, my wife and I had a long list of things to get done. Instead, we sat on the couch, she read to me, I played guitar for a while, and then I drew a picture… in fact the first drawing on here since finishing the 365 project! In my opinion, these were all better alternatives than “the list”. And I like to let my feet float up in the air while lying on the couch. Don’t know why. Sometimes I do it with my hands too.
- Almost finished with a year of drawing.
- February 13th, 2012 – My Valentine.
- January 30th, 2012 – Some place I’d like to be.
- January 20th, 2012 – Sleepover with my best friend.
- January 18th, 2012 – Evening in Venice, someday.
- December 19th, 2011 – I love her so much!
- December 13th, 2011 – Our Christmas tree.
- December 8th, 2011 – There’s a light at the end of the tunnel! (Ours is Dec. 25th)
- December 4th, 2011 – Home is safe.
- November 23rd, 2011 – Leaving for Florida! (Drawn on my iPad)
- November 18th, 2011 – Lil’ sis is home!
- November 7th, 2011 – Budgeting.
- October 28th, 2011 – Driving to Cedar Point with a bus full of highschoolers. We should’ve gotten more sleep last night. (Drew this on my phone with a nifty little free app, Sketchbook Express)
- October 17th, 2011 – Cider Mill.
- October 16th, 2011 – Getting messy with charcoal. Did a lot of laughing today.
- September 28th, 2011 – Cold season.
- September 16th, 2011 – Mmmm, wearing layers.
- September 10th, 2011 – My wife asks me this every once in a while. I like thinking about it. What would your 6-yr-old self say if he could see you today?
- September 6th, 2011 – It’s a very busy time of year for us. (Painted on my iPad)
- September 3rd, 2011 – Out cold.
- August 31st, 2011 – I wonder what my younger self would have thought if someone told me the girl on my tee-ball team would be my wife.
- August 30th, 2011 – Sometimes I don’t feel like drawing at all.
- August 28th, 2011 – We watched “Mao’s Last Dancer” tonight. Feeling inspired, I’m pretty sure this is what we looked like before bed.
- August 23rd, 2011 – I don’t want summer to end.
- August 19th, 2011 – Kissing on the beach.
- August 16th, 2011 – In the last 48 hrs of our vacation, my wife read over 900 pages of her new favorite series. I pretend to read too, but every few sentences seems to spark a new idea and I begin thinking or daydreaming, and 48 hrs later, I’ve read a total of 12 pages from my 120 pg book.
- August 11th, 2011 – I am a night owl. My wife is not. I’ve been trying to change, but then I started this drawing blog.
- August 8th 2011 – Remembering our first kiss.
- August 2nd, 2011 – Budgeting.
- July 24th, 2011 – Sister-in-law trying to explain the ending of Harry Potter 7 pt 2. (Drawn on my iPad)
- July 20th, 2011 – I still learn something new about my wife every day. She is a professional painter.
- July 17th, 2011 – Post-shower, pre-hairspray.
- July 4th, 2011 – Hard night.
- June 30th, 2011 – Memorizing Psalm 91.
- June 25th, 2011 – New phones… with data!
- June 20th, 2011 – Back-scratching as a sedative.
- June 18th, 2011 – Drawing in bed.
- June 15th, 2011 – Snowboard goggles and onions.
- June 12th, 2011 – Sometimes I think my wife thinks I look like Mr. Darcy.
- June 10th, 2011 – Remembering the proposal. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUmzrZ4w4f4
- June 9th, 2011 – Sometimes one phone call can totally change your plans! (The University of Michigan called me today to offer a full ride scholarship and a paid staff position to get my masters. I am shocked and ecstatic. I love school and I love learning. I am going back to school!)
- June 6th, 2011 – My wife keeps me company when I need to pull a late nighter. (Drawn on my iPad)
- June 3rd, 2011 – There is one mosquito in the house. Even though I don’t know where he is, he knows exactly where I am.
- May 19th, 2011 – Sisters.
- May 17th, 2011 – My wife watched the season finale of Castle today. Those who watch it understand.
- May 15th, 2011 – Happy Anniversary love of my life!
- May 14th, 2011 – Will you still love me when I look like this?
- May 12th, 2011 – my sleepy girl.
- April 24th, 2011 – dumb fight.
- April 19th, 2011 – our trip home from IKEA.
- April 14th, 2011 – mmm, my perfect birthday.
- April 13th, 2011 – a perfect birthday. I think I’ll finish and paint this one tomorrow.
- April 12th, 2011 – Almost my birthday.
- March 26th, 2011 – daydreaming on the roof.
- March 22nd, 2011 – a sad lunch.
- March 14th, 2011 – my new favorite hobby of my wife’s.
Thank you for sharing in these memories of ours. Since finishing the first year-long drawing project, I’ve continued documenting our life in drawings.
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Continued below…
- Climbing Mt. Daddy.
- Teething
- My boy.
- Born to swim.
- You’re still my valentine.
- This parenting thing feels like we’re climbing up a new mountain every single day. But baby we’re doing it! And there’s no one in the world I’d rather be doing it with. Happy Valentine’s Day. Yours forever and ever, Curtis
- Felt the push again to draw today. I hope our boys get your freckles, jordie.
- This was the day we found out we miscarried. It’s strange to share because it’s such a quiet thing. Most don’t talk about it. I just didn’t know what else to do, but draw on that day. It more accurately journaled how I felt than anything I could write. I hope by sharing it, those others out there who are quietly hurting, some far worse than we are, are comforted knowing at least, that you are not alone.
- miscarriage. close-up
#2: “Closure”
I made this sketch and the following description about a week after we found out we miscarried, but again I felt the strangeness of sharing something so private, so I’ve kept it to myself. Like I mentioned in image #1, I’ve felt an urgency to share this today, knowing that if anyone feels any comfort at all from these in their own grieving process, then my discomfort in sharing them means very little.
When going through grief, some people might need to go for a run, some might write a song, or journal, I have to create an image because it says more accurately what I’m feeling than what I can communicate with words.I called this ‘Closure’ because last night was a strange moment for me, realizing that I needed to physically touch Jordin’s stomach and say goodbye to our baby. What I’ve realized, is that since I found out we miscarried, I haven’t been able to touch Jordin’s stomach, like I haven’t wanted to acknowledge what wasn’t happening inside. I used to touch Jordin’s stomach all the time and I would talk to the baby in it, like the baby could hear me through her belly button and knew my voice. I didn’t realize that I needed it, but last night, I asked Jordin if I could touch her stomach. What I wanted was to feel it and say goodbye to our baby before it was physically gone. I needed it…
Like Closure.
Image #1:
I feel extremely exposed sharing these next 2 images, especially my writing, because it’s so personal, and I can’t hide its meanings behind a picture. A piece of me has wanted to just keep these in ”Ellie’s box” forever. I figured, “The last time I shared about our miscarriage was enough.” But I’ve just felt an urgency today to share these publicly, knowing that really, if anyone feels any comfort at all from these in their own grieving process, then my discomfort in sharing them means very little, and we are here with you.So, this was part of our grieving process, one night, July 29th, after our miscarriage… I wrote her a letter, cried with Jordin, Jordin and I danced together, and then I journaled through a sketch.
January 1, 2017 –
“Meet my family”
- Morning with Casen
January 3, 2017 – “We’re getting published!”
We’re officially getting published. We just signed off with Andrews McMeel Universal, responsible for publishing variations of such works as Calvin and Hobbes, The Far Side, and Garfield. I’m beyond thrilled that these very personal sketches of me and Jordin are going to be made into such a legitimate book by one of my favorite publishers in the world. Coming this year. More details to come!
Squeaked this one in just before midnight :) goodnight!
“Setting a real clock”
(Decided to try moving our phones into the living room tonight… to separate from them… steady breaths… it will be okay…)
“They’re sharing a room”
Sister & Brother-in-law came over tonight.
“Bapa Nino!!”
Translation: “Bapa Nino” = “Daddy Rhino”
“Boys’ Breakfast”
Had to get the boys out of the house this weekend while Jordin decorated for Hayden’s birthday party.
- You can do it, babe!
It’s official. I’ve become nerdily obsessed with my new ping pong table.
- I cry when I look at you.
“We love movies.”
Rogue One date-night
I might be in a minority group here, but I think movies are extremely underpriced. Every time I sit in a theater, the previews begin, and I feel like I should have paid more than $400 to be sitting there. Nowhere else can I see something that has combined that much talent, resources, time, and money, for the soul purpose of entertaining me with a story.
I just stare at the screen, thinking “this was made by some of the most talented lighting designers, actors, writers, directors, producers, CGI specialists, sound designers, composers, costume designers, makeup artists, set designers, production teams, and so many more roles, in the world, and they have spent more money on this than any other kind of entertainment piece I can think of. How in the world did I just pay between $10-$20 to sit here? And why on earth would it be legal for me to pay $1 to rent this from Red Box in a few weeks?”
Movies are amazing.
I feel lucky to exist in a time when movies are so respected. I think in a couple hundred years, people might think how silly for us to have put so much emphasis on “movies and Hollywood”, but they will nonetheless name the previous centuries, and I think they will name our century, “The Storytellers”.
- Momma! Can you help me squeeze?
I miss you
All good things. Our beautiful kids, work, life. All good things, between you and me.
But I miss you.
“Plane Ride”
It seems like conversations on planes are more meaningful than most of the ones we have on the ground. It’s like we have a mutual understanding as passengers, that we are all “between places”. We are safe to not be the person we just were on the ground or the person we have to become when we land. We can float in this version of ourselves that only exists on planes. An atheist may pretend to believe in God for the sake of engaging conversation. Another person may share more about him or herself with the stranger next to them than they would with a counselor. I engage more with strangers on a plane than I do on the ground. Sometimes I think we get off the plane and wish we could bring that version of ourselves with us.
- Hayden Life Drawing Practice
“I don’t feel like drawing today.”
- Tonight’s show of choice. Chef’s Table
Nights out don’t always end like this. When they do, I want to remember it.
Sick day.
Strangely sick today. The kind where you don’t talk about the details. Just a quick phone pic for today’s sketch.
Most of the time, when I don’t have a specific image in mind to draw, I find myself just picturing Jordin’s face, always close up for some reason. I like trying out different tools and using different drawing styles to capture her face in different ways. Never will I be able to get it all on paper the way I see it each day, but each time I do it, I typically get one element closer to how I get to see it every day of my life. In this case I think I got her mouth a step closer to what I see. Not perfect, but closer. In the 1/14/17 drawing “I cry when I look at you”, I felt like I got her collarbone one step closer to the reality I see. Someday I want to capture her eyes right. I think I could probably do an entire piece just to one eye, but I should probably use color when I do that, since they’re green, like “ice spheres with plants and greens frozen inside” (that’s the way I’ve described them since we started dating in high school). Someday I’ll master her whole face. Not.
Dad’s Day
I can’t believe I’m an actual dad.
February 14, 2017 – “The Way We Sleep – Phase 3”
I love sleeping with you, Jordin. Feeling your legs under the sheets is the most comforting thing in the world to me.
Happy Valentine’s Day. I will love you forever.
– Curtis
- “The Way We Sleep – Phase 2”
- “The Way We Sleep – Phase 1”
- “Quick Kiss”
- “Penguins”
Define: Procrastipacker.
“One who marathon-packs over an all nighter before a trip, and somehow also creates a new and unreasonable/unrelated task list to complete before leaving.For a true procrastipacker, it will happen every single trip from here on out, regardless of attempts to change.”
Jordin told me I couldn’t share this one, but I love it so much, so I begged her and begged her and begged, until she ran out of energy to keep fighting me.
April 3, 2017 – “We’ll make them uncomfortable someday. For now, they just think it’s funny when I attack their mom.”
“Daily Commute”
I love my home. My home is one of the things I am most proud of, and most thankful for, because I literally had nothing to do with it.
- Quick, the boys are napping! #screwthehousegetinbed
I turned 29 today.
Jordin, there’s no one else I’d rather do this with.
“I’m sorry.”
- Home
- Me. (Haven’t drawn a self-portrait in a while)
- “Croatia Work Trip – Day 1 / 9”
May 30, 2017 – “stealthy photographer”
Work Trip – Croatia – Day 5 / 9
Work Trip – Croatia – Day 8 / 9For my last lunch break, my art things were packed away with the cameras, but I found this tiny little pencil and notepad in my hotel room! Missing them! One more shoot to go, then one more looong travel day.
“Jordin’s Mother’s Day card”
I often cry when I draw us (or even draw just jordin). It usually happens when I get some basic shapes first sketched in, and suddenly I see the whole finished picture in my head, and it breaks me to tears, because I’m so overwhelmed at how beautiful the final image is in my head, and how thankful I am for the people in it.
Then it’s a matter of work, to try to show someone else the image I see in my head. Sometimes the finished picture is very close to what is in my head, sometimes it’s less close. That is what makes drawing both difficult and rewarding.
J – “Are you just going to stand there the whole time?”
C – “Yeah.”Another one @jordinwiklund is dying over. I can’t help what moments pop into my head!!!
Here’s how this happened:
In the middle of the night, I tried to get Hayden to fall asleep. I fell asleep.
In the morning, Hayden woke up first. Jordin made him breakfast, she tried to find me, and the bed looked so cozy, etc.
We woke up later, and the boys were watching us, very confused.
I haven’t drawn much this past week, because I’ve been working round the clock on the book with the publisher. The book went to print this week! I love the design and feel of it. Can’t believe it’s happening.
I believe it will be available in stores before Christmas this year.
A post about pre-orders will be coming soon. I may be sending out some signed copies too.
Until then, one of my favorites from the book.
“Some Place I’d Like To Be”
- Weddings. Double-header this weekend.
- “Hi Friend.”
- Snuck Casen out of bed last night to watch the fireworks.
- This as announcement of sorts, that we are pregnant! We’ve been a bit delayed in making it public, because we have lost two babies this past year (Ellie and Colton). We are of course nervous again, but nonetheless we are so excited and hopeful. We borrowed this heartbeat listening contraption from a friend. We are absolutely loving listening to this extra little heartbeat in Jordin’s womb. I love you little one.
“Please stop growing.”
His legs are getting so long.
“Watching Mommy sing.”
A couple weeks ago, I snuck Casen and Hayden out of their class at church, to watch their mom sing. Today, the little info card thing they hand out, was blank on the back. Clearly, it’s for us who like to doodle while we listen.
- Early morning goodbyes
this is my whole world.
We’ve been doing house projects in their room, so they’ve been sleeping in our room for a couple nights. Obviously, there is no privacy, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t kind of love it.
It’s crazy how good attention feels, when it’s coming from you.
(It’s like my heart and chest are being inflated, when she just looks at me.)
December 20, 2017 – “Christmas lights & chores”
(No, we can’t keep clothes on him)
- Well somebody had to eat the santa cookie.
- Not feeling particularly literal today.
- January 4, 2018 – Taking Casen to Koney Island.
- Casen was so sweet in the waiting room, and I can’t stop picturing it, so I’m drawing with crayons from the kids’ table, while he’s in dental surgery.
- We should put a better reading light in by their beds.
January 11, 2018 – “Travel”
Booked last minute flights to Florida for a week, to get in one more family trip, just our team, before baby girl comes.
- He laid like that for 30 minutes :)
- January 24, 2018 – Jordin has natural eye-shadow. It’s crazy, but amazing. How is this happening? I don’t understand how it works, but I remember noticing it in high school, when we started dating, and I realized she never wore makeup. “Then why are your eyelids a darker shade of your skin than the rest of your face???” It’s so weird, and cool. Mine definitely do not do that. Give me the science (more blood under the skin there?). I want to understand the science behind why she’s so pretty.
January 22, 2018 – “Oh my gosh, she’s RIGHT there.”
It’s so crazy, there is literally just skin separating us. She’s so big and moving so much, it’s like I’m touching her.
”Quick apologies are best.”
#whydidisaythat #whydoisaythingslikethat #tongues#cursethisblastedtongueishallcuttheeoutofmymouth #sorry #crazyhowprettysheiswhenshecries #idontwanttohurtyou #youremybestfriend #whydoidothat
- Nighttime routine.
- Sundays.
- Following animal tracks.
- March 7, 2018 – It’s happening.
- March 8, 2018 – Jordin’s face during Every. Single. Contraction. I keep waiting for her to moan and groan like I would be. No, all business.
March 8, 2018 – This is my favorite version of my wife. Have you ever seen a movie, where the character lived up to their fullest potential, and you thought to yourself, “I wish I could see my fullest potential”? Maybe you think, like the movie hero, that you would save a person from a burning building too, if you were ever presented the opportunity to demonstrate your physical and mental abilities.
This is my wife, on delivery day. I watch her become the greatest hero in my life. I’ve been privileged enough to watch it 3 times so far in my life.
This time, her water broke at home. We drove to the hospital, and spent a long night there. She would go into this unearthly zen state during contractions, and stare into nothing. After a seemingly endless night of contractions, she announced in the morning that “it’s time”.
The nurses seemed to not recognize what my wife actually meant, when she said that. They began making calls and announcing that they’re going to begin prepping the room. I knew though, after doing this twice before with her, they better hurry.
The nurse said, “It’s best not to ‘push’ yet, unless you absolutely have to,” because the room is still being prepped, and the doctor is not in the room yet. Her knees shook while she tried to hold back, but eventually, she said, “I’m so sorry, I have to push!”
And exactly 1 minute later, our daughter, Emmy Grey was born.
Welcome Amelia Grey Wiklund, born March 8th, 2018. May you have the courage and fierce strength of your mother.
- Emmy Grey
- Amelia Grey Wiklund.
We peeked out the bathroom this morning, and Hayden goes “I’m just petting my baby sister”. We thought they were still asleep
It’s like getting a new puppy.
PS – @jordinwiklund just posted new pics of Emmy Grey on instagram
- “This size.”
I never post ‘real pictures’ of me or my life (not sure why), but I wanted to say hi more transparently, because there have been many big articles about my drawings recently (I’ll try to share some of those at some point), and there are a lot of new people here! Welcome! Here goes…
I’m Curtis. I’m married to instagram.com/jordinwiklund (I stole these pics from her feed). You can browse a good portion of our story through these drawings. I draw myself and my family a lot and it’s bizarre that anyone knows about that other than my close friends and family. It’s basically my way to journal and I love it. I feel free, “like I’m doing the right thing”, when I sit down to draw things I don’t want to forget.
I’m a wedding and commercial photographer by trade (curtiswiklundphoto.com) My wife, @jordinwiklund and I mostly shoot together. During the work days, I do the business type stuff (or at least I try), and Jordin since having kids runs our day care (meaning our 3 kids). We are in love with film photography, and photographing couples is our unified passion, which is why we shoot together. This is our 10th year in business, and we are still on a high every time we finish photographing a wedding.
Drawing… It’s not my job. But it feels important. So I try to treat it like a job. It was a childhood hobby of mine, and a few years into marriage, Jordin inspired/challenged me, with a 365 day daily project idea, wondering why I never drew anymore. That began a new hobby, documenting my life in drawings. More to that story, but fast forward for now…
Many of those drawings from the 365 day project, are now in a book available worldwide, titled “Us” by Curtis Wiklund. Check wherever you would normally buy a book, and it’s probably there. I still can’t believe it’s real. It was a childhood dream of mine, to have my drawings appear in a real book I can someday show my kids and grandkids. The fact that it’s about our life is so internally stirring, because it feels like “just my journal”. So many people around the world though, have told me they’ve found validation in themselves, and in their relationships by seeing ours.
I’ve learned through this season, that it’s very good to share. It feels so good and affirming when we find an artist who “gets us”. Musicians are like that to me. I know of a few musician artists who probably will never know me, but I feel like they “get me”, and I’m comforted daily by their music. If you or anyone else can feel comforted by me sharing my personal journal, publicly, then it’s good and I will try hard not to be protective of my private feelings. It’s good to share. It’s good to share. (I’ll try to keep telling myself that, because by default, I’m a pretty private person)
A few more ‘real pictures’…
- Back to drawing now!
- Five years ago, our journey to parenthood began with the birth of Casen. Happy birthday hero.
“Cleaning up after the party.”
Totally inappropriate and probably obnoxious, but if I tried to pretend like there was no audience, like no one was watching my personal journal (something I’ve been trying to do), there is no question this would make my list of moments I want to remember, cleaning the house after Casen’s birthday party.
The next morning Re: the last post…
Me: “I enjoyed watching you clean last night, while I was holding our baby”
@jordinwiklund: “I thought you would like that.”
OMG. She KNEW. She knew I was watching! And she kept going… While she knew I was watching the whole thing… That is seriously the most intoxicating thing I’ve ever heard.
Marriage. Phew! #rightinthehormones
Movie Trivia. Name This Movie:
– “She don’t know what she’s doing.”
– “Yeah she does. She knows exactly what she’s doing.”
(If you know this, we basically grew up together)
This week, I was feeling lonely and didn’t feel like working alone in my studio, which was a first (perhaps it’s this dreaded tax season for self-employed individuals, and internally crying over money I need to figure out how to give to the government because I got behind on my quarterly estimates… I never ever want to think about money… ever… can’t I just make things, live minimally, give generously, and never ever think about money? I want that.). But anyways, I made a temporary studio in my bedroom, and then Jordin locked the door to prevent the boys from spending all day watching over my shoulder. But that didn’t prevent them from talking through the door. Hearing their voices in the other room and their mumma taking such good care of them while I worked, was exactly what I needed. First it was just one day, but today too, we lost power during a snowstorm (seriously, a snowstorm), so I spent another day in here, due to the freezing temperature of my studio without heat.
These two strange work days made me again deeply appreciate two things: 1) how hard Jordin works, and 2) my love of actually having a separate studio that I CAN go to, to focus and work hard to provide/be creative.
In the midst of a stressful time, I’m trying to find those ways to not let bad overwhelm these wonderful things. The good far outweighs momentary times of stress around… Ugggh… money.
#taxseasonistheworst #idontcareaboutmoneyifyoucaresomuchthenpleasecomeovertomyhouse and #kindlyfigureoutwhatioweyouandtakeit and #pleasedontchargemepenaltiesandinterestjusttakeitplease
I shower every morning as part of my daily rhythm. Sometimes Casen wakes up, walks into the bathroom with a big smile, takes his clothes off without a word, and gets in too. We don’t talk much, just enjoy that scalding hot water.
1 – Casen – “This is even warmer than my brown blanky.”
- 2 – He just kinda rubs the shampoo in a circle right now.
- 3 – His favorite part.
- 4 – Mommy’s favorite part.
May 3, 2018 – “One of my favorite feelings right now.”
(during pre-school drop off 3 days/week)
- Thanks for participating in the Live Q&A. We enjoyed it!
- It is possible for me to live 100% in my head. Fortunately, I have a wife and kids that don’t let me do that. But it is possible.
- Power outage at home.
- I turned 30 and took a little break from sharing things on the internet. Back now. :) Thankful for this clan.
- On a date. Can I just shut my eyes for a sec…
3 car seats in my Subaru!
Funny, it’s emotional seeing all the kids in the car together.PS – check out clek car seats if you’re trying to fit 3 car seats in a smaller car. I didn’t even know this was an option. I thought we’d have to get a minivan. Maybe some day, but for now this fits our life well :)
- Isn’t that the rule?
“Pit Stop”
On her way in. On my way out.
No one will understand.
#legomachine #wearesleepdeprived
- Right?
- “Holy #*?!, I just ran 20 miles. I’ve never been a runner, but I started training in April, and this was the final ‘20 mile run’ before the actual Marathon. I can’t believe I actually did 20 miles. It was so weird feeling, seeing the 19 mile mark on my watch, and realizing I was actually going to finish. I feel extremely happy. It’s funny, I’m not sure why. I’m just sitting here in my car, and I can’t believe I actually did it. I can’t wait for the marathon!”
For those interested in the context:
I have NEVER been a runner. Ever.
It was just something I felt like I was supposed to do this year, like a “prompting”. There was a group of people that was raising money to get clean water to people in Kenya. I’ve been to Kenya before (with Jordin back when we were dating), and we stayed in an orphanage for a couple weeks, where we saw what water did. Schools, hospitals, community, for people just like me.
What was meaningful to me personally (I love learning), was seeing kids going to school, when they would otherwise be wanderers searching for pools of dirty water.
My 5 year old just started kindergarten. I can’t imagine him wandering… Anywhere… Just wandering at all. It breaks my heart when I *actually* imagine it.
So, I naturally connected with the mission to build wells. If you want to join me, you can donate through the link below.
Let’s build a well!
(Please consider donating! I’ll read your names in the Live Video while I run!)
PS – I think I might try to Live Stream myself, on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/curtiswiklund/) this Sunday, DURING the actual Detroit marathon, so you all can be a part of it! (and watch me pass out… I’ll have to practice holding a phone selfie style, while I run)
- You’re so warm in the morning.
My favorite thing to draw is Jordin. Bar none.
I don’t typically draw sponsored posts, but here’s an exception: This small french company reached out and asked if they could send us a handmade baby rocker, to see if it shows up in a drawing. Jordin quickly recognized their stuff and said, “Curt, FIGURE. IT. OUT.”
If you know Jordin, you know well-made beautiful things make her cry.
If you’re looking for a holiday gift that will be more meaningful to your wife than to your baby, get her this handmade baby rocker by Charlie Crane and watch her melt in front of you.
(kidding aside, it’s seriously good. Amelia loves it too.)
PS – Btw, for instamoms like jordin, who like finding things like this…
Jordin is on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jordinwiklund/
(Or for those of you who might just be frustrated by my occasional withdrawing from the internet, and you just want to know we’re still alive… jordin posts more regularly :)
#feelfreetosendmemorefreethings #weneedaminivan#iwilldrawaminivanandsellmysoul
I was having a quiet time, while working. I was thanking God for the work and life I have right now. I said, “I’m so happy right now”. I felt him grinning, like I do when I see my sons happy. There was music playing at my desk, and suddenly in my head, it was like I could see God slow dancing with me. I dance with my kids a lot, but seeing myself with God, especially slow dancing… was kind of shaking. I think he might’ve given me that image, and I couldn’t stop smiling while I was watching it. After I felt the need to scribble down some version of it. It was like nothing gave him more joy than knowing I’m having so much fun.
For context, this morning I was completely alone, writing code for a website I’m working on, while listening to music. Nerdy, right?
Lesson for us all: Don’t judge yourself for what makes you happy or fills your spirit. He designed you. For me, an introverted moment this morning, solving real problems with the brain he gave me, and feeling thankful for my family in the house next door, made me feel alive. He loves watching you be exactly how he made you to be. Rest, knowing you are allowed to be you.
- I like feeling you twitch on me.
10 years.
I’m at a “men’s retreat” tonight, picturing all of you sleeping, thinking about how lucky I am and our 10 year anniversary coming up on the 15th. Can’t believe I got you. I had no idea you’d become so spectacular as a mother and a wife. You move me more deeply than anything I’ve ever experienced. Thank you @jordinwiklund for marrying me. . See you in the morning. And then every morning after that, for the rest of our lives. Waking up next to you is the best part of my day, and it’s the worst part when I leave. Every morning is an emotional rollercoaster. Thank you.
Happy 10 year anniversary.
How can I feel so many emotions tied up in something so simple? It’s simple. She’s tired. It’s not more than that. How can it feel like so much more? (Not actually looking for advice. Sex life is great. Sharing is important, and I’m trying to get better at freely sharing my journal. Here’s a real one.)
- “praying”
Any programmers out there? You’ll know this excitement. We’re building something REAL. It’s crazy! Lines of code are making something real!
PS – I’m so excited. If you’re looking for a startup job, check out our website: SuperSecretStartup.com
- thanks J, for taking us out on your boat
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“Thank you for sharing these memories with us. Our book of our early married life is now available worldwide! This is so crazy it’s really happening! Thank you!!” – Curtis and Jordin
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