Mornings with Casen 01/02/17
Setting a real clock 01/04/17
(deciding to try moving our phones into the living room tonight… to separate from them… steady breaths… it will be okay…)
Boys’ Breakfast 01/10/17
Had to get the boys out of the house this weekend while Jordin decorated for Hayden’s birthday party.
I cry when I look at you. 01/14/17
We love movies. 01/16/17
Rogue One date-night
I feel lucky to exist in a time when movies are so respected, and attract some of the greatest talent in the world, all for the sake of telling a story. I think in a couple hundred years, people might think how silly for us to have placed so much significance in ‘movies and Hollywood’, but they will nonetheless name the previous centuries, and I think they will name our century, ‘The Storytellers’.
Momma! Can you help me squeeze? 01/18/17
First time on the slopes 01/19/17
(I drew this before we went out. Turned out he just wanted to run down the hills instead of ski! Next time.)
I miss you 01/20/17
All good things. Our beautiful kids, work, life. All good things.
But I miss you.
Hayden Life Drawing Practice 01/24/17
This is about the only circumstance I’d be able to do a ‘life drawing’ of either of our boys, because they are always running and moving. I walked into the house today to get a quick snack, saw this moment while ‘mommy’ was getting some work done, quickly grabbed a piece of paper, a mechanical pencil sitting on the counter, and did this ‘life drawing’ practice. (If you’re wondering if his head really looks that big when he sits all hunched over, it does)
I showed it to Hayden afterward. He smiled and stared at it for a minute, then put both hands on his chest, and said, ‘Me!’. Then he climbed down, got a piece of paper and his colored pencils, climbed back up, and began drawing himself.
Hoo boy. I don’t feel like drawing today. 01/25/17
I remember this from the last time I did daily drawings for a year. There are some days I don’t feel like drawing at all. I haven’t had that too bad so far this year, but today has has been a busy day, it’s 11:30pm, I just got home, everyone’s asleep, and I’m tired. I don’t feel like sitting down to draw at all.
But I am. And I will. The act of discipline taught me a lot the first time I did a year long drawing project. Anyone who’s gone for a run when they didn’t want to, can relate to the feeling. I’ll turn off the brain that says, ‘It’s not that big of a deal, it’s just one drawing,’ and believe that the act of discipline is actually more important than a drawing.
It’s 1:45am now. Goodnight.